Saturday, May 23, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
yada yada yada
and I have just finished my assignment in less than 3 hours! A personal record that calls for celebration and a little splurge of indulgence... hehehe...
Though one hurdle is over and off my shoulders for now... there are many more to come~ well, as the saying goes 'cheong meng kung fu cheong meng zoe' (translation: we have a long life to work things out), I shall spoil myself with some form of relaxation~ blogging while waiting for my Romance Zero episode 5 to finish streaming *pure delight*
The past week has been rather eventful~ assignments, dates, mentoring, school observation, MATES lunch and meeting, Wira's party, worship leading in Life Group etc... a whole just week passed by... just like that...
Maybe because I'm getting older *hmm*, I started to be more appreciative of each passing day, of each living moment, and of each breath I breathe...
*dang... I am talking like an old woman now.. @_@''' *
Oh yeah, yesterday was supposed to be Teacher's Day in Malaysia. To the two greatest teachers of my life - daddy and mummy, Happy Teacher's Day! The both of you were never short of an inspiration for me: I am where I am today because of your never-ending love and care for me, your insightful teachings and advice, and your constant belief in me~
And to all teacher-trainees and educators (or as Jarod puts it - fellow warriors of the classroom), you guys are awesome and deserve to be pampered and honoured on this day! Do not let the fire within burn down and continue to strive for your deserving learners ;)
Ok, gona detour a bit... I am currently rather into K-Pop... Lol... It has been awhile really, but because my internet connection is like damn good here (I no longer have to stream youtube videos but just press play and watch), I have become quite an updated person when it comes to the K-Pop scene... I have watched more recent dramas and game shows than my fellow Korean peers in New Zealand... *possessed by vainity and pride*

And what do I think about the new girl group by YG? Fresh, interesting... but a little over the top.. love the song, not the concept, and definitely feel that they shouldn't ride on Big Bang's popularity...

Oh... and our town hall was magically transformed for a few nights due to Telco's XT advertising~
Before that, a little dedication to a babe of mine whose birthday was yesterday~

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
In need of releasing
Finish this sentence: It should be against the law to...
jump queues!!! Hello, please be civilised uncle! (recalling an event...)
Finish this sentence: I wish I would have listened when my parents told me to...
take good care of my skin when I was in high school... too late to mourn for my breakouts... sob...
Finish this sentence: I absolutely REFUSE to...
walk around pantyless! Never ever came across to me that public display of *clears throat* is cool, even if it is modeled by attention-seeking celebrities...
Fill in the blanks: Although most people wouldn't think so, __durian__ and _plain white rice_ taste really good together!
Fill in the blanks: My favorite sugary gas station food is __anything chocolate _ and my favorite salty gas station food is __kumara chips__.
Fill in the blank: If I ever have the time, I'm going to take lessons on _belly dancing_.
Would you rather... Eat only chicken for dinner OR Never have chocolate again?
I'm not exactly a diet freak. Give me both my meat and my sinful delights!
Would you rather...Be able to read people's minds OR control people's minds?
Reading minds sound pretty cool to me... Beware, hypocrites and perverts!
Would you rather... Have a hometown, but never get to travel OR Travel the world but with no place to call your hometown?
The world is my home!
What's the funnest board game of all time?
Hmm... Cranium cracks me up~
What's the funniest movie you've ever seen?
Can't really name just one though, I'm really into comedies ;)
What do you think is the saddest movie you've ever seen?
A walk to remember... Tears never cease to flow even I've watched it from the inside out, or backside front...*emo*
Name 2 things that you absolutely HATE to do, but have to do them everyday.
academic work.. duh... and... poo-ing... (gets rather energy-consuming sometimes...hahahaha)
Name 2 nicknames you've had in your lifetime.
The infamous 'bakchi' and 'lulu'
Name 2 things you look forward to everyday.
a new day to live, and food... =)
Friday, May 8, 2009
Deep and Serious thoughts... *not good for the*
Here are my two lovely yet cheeky mentees~ Shamayne and Darlene
Schools is New Zealand are divided according to 'deciles'. Decile 1 for extremely low income from the students' families, and decile 10 for the schools of the rich. And the school which we were sent for mentoring - James Cook High School is of decile 1.
But hold your thoughts to yourself, the schools are no way near deserving sympathy~
It has facilities for Dragon Boating, Outrigging, Touch Rugby, Volleyball, Swimming, Athletics, Softball, Rugby, Netball, Basketball, Rugby League, Hockey, Soccer, Indoor Soccer, Table Tennis, Squash, Water Polo and Equestrian.
Impressed? Wait till you see this, all students are required to learn at least one musical instrument. The school not only has sufficient guitars, drums, saxophones, clarinets, violins, cellos, keyboards and pianos, they have specialised tutors for music and drama.
This is what I love about New Zealand education system. One may come from extreme poverty or even a dysfuntional family with no financial support, one will still have equal opportunities to pursue their wants and needs in schools. *thinks back on Malaysian schools... sigh... we still have a long way to go...*
We have been exposed to different types of schools in NZ, from public to private, from common to extravagant. And for our current practicum, we were divided into groups and sent to schools at the outskirts of Auckland... That means a lot of travelling and tiresome bus rides T.T
Well, 6 of us - Haniff, Adlina, Farhana, Intan, Wira and I were sent to Avondale College (decile 5). There were some hiccups from the beginning but overall it was a good but exhausting experience... 9 more trips to go... The experience in Avondale College would be entirely another entry...
Here are some pictures of Wira and I fooling around when we were asked to photocopy exam papers @_@
Mrs Quah used to be a lecturer in Maktab Perguruan Ilmu Khas, and was trained in a universtity in UK. After teaching for quite sometime in Malaysia, she decided that she wanted her children to receive better education than what the Malaysian system could offer, so she opted for optional retirement when she was 40 and migrated with her family over to New Zealand. Even if it meant that she had to sacrifice her respectable job as a teacher college lecturer, and started all over again in New Zealand as a teacher-aid; even if it meant that her qualifications and teaching services in Malaysia were not recognised by the New Zealand system then, and had to restudy in University of Auckland while receiving the starting pay for teachers - she felt that they were all worth-while, because her children received good education and her family benefited a lot from the NZ system.
Even before this, we had a forum with our seniors who were back for their graduation (they are teaching in schools now). Oh my, we were totally slapped in the faceby the harsh reality.
Some of them did not even teach English in schools although our degree is in TESOL, and were asked to teach history, geography etc. They were bullied by teachers and principals just because they "graduated from overseas and should be capable of handling all those ridiculous tasks." They work from morning till night because there are always 'extra work', 'night classes', 'extra-curricular activities', 'roles and responsibilites in different departments of the schools'. And some of them were even sent to places so remote that there is hardly reception for mobile calls, let alone internet.
All of these may sound depressing. But the most saddening part is, even they admited that what we learned, the dreams we have for our future learners, are inapplicable in the real world of Malaysia. Many of them started out strong, and many are giving up.
Was I scared? I was, and I am.
Although I know how schools work, how teachers live (since I grew up with 2 teachers with thousands of responsibilities in my family), and I had teaching experiences in primary and secondary schools before receiving formal teaching training; I am still scared. There are times when I discussed or suggested teaching strategies to my dad for his seminars and teaching, he would say that I'm being too idealistic.
What I couldn't understand is that, why are those 'idealistic methods' achieveable in NZ but not in Malaysia? In fact, those approaches are of common sense and not 'ideal' in NZ schools.
Will there not be a day when Malaysia's education system would be as developed, and not bluntly focus on useless 'A's, and foolaround with the 'bell-graph'?
Will there be a day when teaching is no longer viewed as a 'last option' and 'a stable half-day job' but rather as a noble and respected job?
Or will I, after been exposed to equality, maturity in social mentality, and other benefits hold by places other than Malaysia, choose to leave my homeland so that my children could receive better?
OR, would I stay, and try to make a difference in my small world, hoping that what I sow could be harvested in abundance in the future?
Lord, i ask for Your guidance. More of than not, i tend to let my human logic and rationale get the better of me. Many a times, i struggle and try to fight my way through my own human strength and wisdom. i'm so sorry Lord. Now, i surrender my hopes, dreams, and my future unto Your hands Lord. Mould me, use me to my utmost potential, for the purpose You have in my life. In You I trust, Amen.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Who am I?
When I'm with my close ones, I tend to be vulnerable, gentle, silly, forgetful, dramatic, outrageous, romantic, clumsy, soft-spoken, and practically speak, act, and fuss like a lil girl...*clears throat*... i mean seriously...
Yet, when it comes to my studies, work, standing before higher authorities or even meeting a stupid-cashier-who-mumbled-under-his-breath-and-gave-me-the-look-when-I-paid-with-a-RM50-note-for-a-purchase-of-RM3.50-just-because-that's-the-only-cash-I-had, I basically have a 180 degree switch. I would be viewed as dominant, independent, efficient, power-freak, tough, as well as the girl-who-would-take-no-bullshit-of-all-these-and-bang-on-the-cashier-counter-confronting-that-rude-cashier-while-demanding-to-see-the-manager.
Many people have commented on my drastic difference which are on the extreme ends. Some mentioned that their impression of me always changes.
It kinda made me think who am I really?

Or the longan (soft on the flesh, but hard in the core)?

She could trip while walking, misplace her stuff, and forget about her phone when she leaves her apartment; yet she always gets her work done way before deadline, has the tendency to take over leadership roles, and remembers time, dates, and specific details of 'important events' without jotting them down.
She could easily forgive someone who hurt her deeply by a simple apology or gesture, take the extra mile to help someone whom she sensed has a need, and take joy in blessing people with gifts and generosity; yet she could not tolerate a rude stranger, avoids asking for help even from her closest friends, and would not splurge money for own comfort and desire (When i'm getting a gift for someone, a $20 journal would seem affordable to me; but when it comes to getting a $1.50 mrs Higgins' cookie for myself, I have to think twice, thrice, before reaching for my purse... or just suck it up and move away from the tempting shop T.T )
So what does this make me?
Do I have split personality or an alter ego like Niki Sanders from Heroes?

Am I being real in one situation and phoney in the other?
Am I actually soft but putting up a strong front?
Or am I growing up too fast, hence yearning for a kiddish-side?
Or maybe, that's just who I am.
Just like trinity or even H20... They could appear in three forms, yet are viewed as one.
I may have different sides of me, but that's just how I function. There is no clear definition of me when I'm still searching for myself, growing, changing, and evolving as I overcome each obstacle and celebrate each joy that comes my way.
Hence, i hereby declare that Felicia is still a young adult who is experiencing moratorium, and in search of her identity~
BUT... No matter what her calling maybe, she will still live by her name - the happy one, as there are so much blessings that need to be counted each new day .
We could start off by thanking God that we are alive and well today ;)
Monday, May 4, 2009
My 'Double Two' Celebration~
First of all, I'm really thankful to all well-wishers, and those were super-concerned whether I had a better birthday compared to the disaster that happened last year... So to all those whom I love dearly, my birthday couldn't have been better, just because of your thoughts, effort, and your deep-felt love~
Well, the whole awareness treatment of me becoming 22 started a few days before the actual date when Wira faked an accident and I had to rush over to her place huffing and puffing. But it was a delightful surprise~
and the craziness stepped in..Lol...
And L decided to make my birthday special. It was definitely a memorable day and we ended up having a splendid buffet dinner at Langham. Shall let the pictures speak of its awesomeness...Lol...
Sze Wei and Kevin came later that night to pass me my gift, followed by another visit from Wira, Timo and Ryoma. The next day, Lilly came to my apartment to deliver her prezzie too...
Seriously, I am so well-loved by many. Phone call from home, with grandma and granpa on the line, text messages and facebook wishes from all the sweeties, phone call from my brother... i repeat... my brother... and the sweet effort of L, I can only say I am truly blessed =)
Not forgetting the prezzies too...
Thanks everyone for making me a happy girl... erm... i mean a happy young lady....
Man... I AM getting ....old.....
... not complaining.... hehehehe...