Monday, May 4, 2009

My 'Double Two' Celebration~

Ok... Finally I could sit down and jot down things about my birthday.

First of all, I'm really thankful to all well-wishers, and those were super-concerned whether I had a better birthday compared to the disaster that happened last year... So to all those whom I love dearly, my birthday couldn't have been better, just because of your thoughts, effort, and your deep-felt love~

Well, the whole awareness treatment of me becoming 22 started a few days before the actual date when Wira faked an accident and I had to rush over to her place huffing and puffing. But it was a delightful surprise~

the surprise entrance

and the craziness stepped in..Lol...

And L decided to make my birthday special. It was definitely a memorable day and we ended up having a splendid buffet dinner at Langham. Shall let the pictures speak of its awesomeness...Lol...

Sze Wei and Kevin came later that night to pass me my gift, followed by another visit from Wira, Timo and Ryoma. The next day, Lilly came to my apartment to deliver her prezzie too...

Seriously, I am so well-loved by many. Phone call from home, with grandma and granpa on the line, text messages and facebook wishes from all the sweeties, phone call from my brother... i repeat... my brother... and the sweet effort of L, I can only say I am truly blessed =)

Not forgetting the prezzies too...

black forest cake - L's mom

Citizen mother of pearl charm bracelet watch with Swarovski crystals - L

pig pillow and card - Wira

Aroma therapy fragrance and photo frame - Sze Wei

Kikki K book and Card - Cindy

Aroma therapy fragrance - Lilly

Dove chocolates - Joy

Lindt chocolates - Ivan

and it's not too late to send in your gifts ;) hehehehe...

Thanks everyone for making me a happy girl... erm... i mean a happy young lady....

Man... I AM getting ....old.....

... not complaining.... hehehehe...


Anonymous said...

happy belated birthday felicia! am glad you had a blast! =) ...hehehe

poh lin

kyox said...

heppy belated bestday~~sorry i miss it~~~

lovemenot said...

waa...jealous!!i want buffet at Langham

Keith Tan said...

Happy Belated Birthday...
Sorry that i have no time to send u my gift =p I'll buy you nice food when u back to m'sia then !