Haven't been updating my blog recently... well... posting meme and pictures of me being a 'stressor' do not quite count ;)
and I have just finished my assignment in less than 3 hours! A personal record that calls for celebration and a little splurge of indulgence... hehehe...
Though one hurdle is over and off my shoulders for now... there are many more to come~ well, as the saying goes 'cheong meng kung fu cheong meng zoe' (translation: we have a long life to work things out), I shall spoil myself with some form of relaxation~ blogging while waiting for my Romance Zero episode 5 to finish streaming *pure delight*
The past week has been rather eventful~ assignments, dates, mentoring, school observation, MATES lunch and meeting, Wira's party, worship leading in Life Group etc... a whole just week passed by... just like that...
Maybe because I'm getting older *hmm*, I started to be more appreciative of each passing day, of each living moment, and of each breath I breathe...
*dang... I am talking like an old woman now.. @_@''' *
pictures taken during School Observation at Avondale College

Am I even making sense now? Hahaha.... Apparently not... Ok, the 1 hour video is only 17 % loaded... Hence I shall continue squabbling...Lol...
Oh yeah, yesterday was supposed to be Teacher's Day in Malaysia. To the two greatest teachers of my life - daddy and mummy, Happy Teacher's Day! The both of you were never short of an inspiration for me: I am where I am today because of your never-ending love and care for me, your insightful teachings and advice, and your constant belief in me~
And to all teacher-trainees and educators (or as
Jarod puts it - fellow warriors of the classroom), you guys are awesome and deserve to be pampered and honoured on this day! Do not let the fire within burn down and continue to strive for your deserving learners ;)
................................Ok, gona detour a bit... I am currently rather into K-Pop... Lol... It has been awhile really, but because my internet connection is like damn good here (I no longer have to stream youtube videos but just press play and watch), I have become quite an updated person when it comes to the K-Pop scene... I have watched more recent dramas and game shows than my fellow Korean peers in New Zealand... *possessed by vainity and pride*My recent fav Korean drama would have to be Shining Inheritance!

Check it out on my new best friend - www.v.youku.com ~
And what do I think about the new girl group by YG? Fresh, interesting... but a little over the top.. love the song, not the concept, and definitely feel that they shouldn't ride on Big Bang's popularity...

and one would wonder could they stop being so fickle minded and decide on one concept???!!!
Oh... and our town hall was magically transformed for a few nights due to Telco's XT advertising~

boring ol' look
transformed into...

Ok, enough of nonsensical blabbering... Time to watch my show..huhuhu...
Before that, a little dedication to a babe of mine whose birthday was yesterday~

Stay pretty and smart, and thanks for being a part of my life~ Hugssss

why do I always make silly faces and 'uglify' myself??? Lol...