Sunday, June 14, 2009

Shamelessness Alert!

Just felt like having an entry filled with pictures of mine... hahaha... i'm not denying that i'm a narcissist =P

These pictures were carefully selected from my many albums over the past few years during one of my procrastinating moments, showing me as me - silly, silly, and totally silly...

Beware, and leave this page... if you're not prepared to be bombarded by shameless pictures of me and my lovely ones...hahaha...

p/s. I'm proud of the pictures below, as they are pure masterpieces, mostly inspired by my random yet creative juices, and beautifully portrayed by my fellow partners-in-crime... awww.....

Let the cameras roll~

-The End-

And that would not be the last of it... Stay tune for more randomness and wackiness... huhu...

1 comment:

Poh Lin said...

omg! You are a poser! lol! :P