As I have basically neglected my humble blog for a significantly long period of time, and could render thoughts that the blogger has been kidnapped and sold to the underground market (influence of the movie Taken)... err... maybe not... I have decided to come out with a whole string of entries... just to make up of my previous absence, as well as putting down my thoughts before they become misty and lost in one way or other...
Enough of talk, let's get onto the real stuff... @_@
On the 3rd of June, I was able to step into the exclusive Northern Club... founded since 1869, a social club for politicians and well-respected businessman and professionals where briefcases are left closed and business talk is confined to private rooms.
It is so exclusive, many people (commoners like me) did not even know of its existence, as it doesn't even have a signboard and is covered with vines and flowers... I used to thought that it was an abandoned haunted mansion...@_@

Well, the reason I was able to have the opportunity to even taste the signature Northern Club sandwiches and wine was because the Breakfast Club of AUT hosted an event, which was graced by the presence of the Governor General of New Zealand; and I went as L's partner.
To be honest, I wasn't as excited about it as I should perhaps be. Below are the many reasons.
1. Nothing in my closet screams appropriateness for the event. (At least it gives me a reason to shop??? hehehe)
2. I don't do business talk. (according to Wira, all we need to do is to look pretty... ok.. advice taken)
3. I don't know and don't really care about the Govenor General. (Well, I don't even know who was the prime minister of NZ until they have to re-elect a new one... @_@)
4. I don't drink. (Throughout the whole event, I had a sip of the white wine, made a face, passed the glass to L, had orange juice instead... 2 glasses of that... and they taste awesomely good).
5. I know I will feel out of place. (True enough, only Wira and I had nothing whatsoever to do with Business.... @_@)
Well, on the good side, I can proudly say that I rubbed shoulders with some big shotswhom I don't think I would even recognise in the future, had lovely pictures taken, and had a opportunity to doll up... It is a once in a lifetime experience.
Will just let the pictures do the talking for the rest of the entry...
Rummaged through shops and boutique looking for something decent, affordable, yet looks comparable to the branded stuff walking around in that cocktail party..tough feat)
Enough of talk, let's get onto the real stuff... @_@
On the 3rd of June, I was able to step into the exclusive Northern Club... founded since 1869, a social club for politicians and well-respected businessman and professionals where briefcases are left closed and business talk is confined to private rooms.
It is so exclusive, many people (commoners like me) did not even know of its existence, as it doesn't even have a signboard and is covered with vines and flowers... I used to thought that it was an abandoned haunted mansion...@_@

Well, the reason I was able to have the opportunity to even taste the signature Northern Club sandwiches and wine was because the Breakfast Club of AUT hosted an event, which was graced by the presence of the Governor General of New Zealand; and I went as L's partner.
To be honest, I wasn't as excited about it as I should perhaps be. Below are the many reasons.
1. Nothing in my closet screams appropriateness for the event. (At least it gives me a reason to shop??? hehehe)
2. I don't do business talk. (according to Wira, all we need to do is to look pretty... ok.. advice taken)
3. I don't know and don't really care about the Govenor General. (Well, I don't even know who was the prime minister of NZ until they have to re-elect a new one... @_@)
4. I don't drink. (Throughout the whole event, I had a sip of the white wine, made a face, passed the glass to L, had orange juice instead... 2 glasses of that... and they taste awesomely good).
5. I know I will feel out of place. (True enough, only Wira and I had nothing whatsoever to do with Business.... @_@)
Well, on the good side, I can proudly say that I rubbed shoulders with some big shots
Will just let the pictures do the talking for the rest of the entry...
Rummaged through shops and boutique looking for something decent, affordable, yet looks comparable to the branded stuff walking around in that cocktail party..tough feat)
Finally settling for a black dress.. accessorized with a gold belt...
and some make up, and hair curling... I'm ready!
Since we were early, we cam-whored around the grand winter ballroom...
and some more shots after the GG gave his speech...
But it seems like we were the youngest bunch... and the only ones flaunting our cameras and posing for pictures... even some of the reporters requested to have our pictures taken... too bad they didn't come out in the papers when we checked... In fact, only the GG's photo was shown...
It was quite an experience~
It was def a memorable night!! =D
Hahaha... *applause for wira who finally made a comment on my blog*
wah.. mcm tgk drama cantonese lah, wit guest appearances of taiko2 org puteh dr overseas, haha! you girls looked awesome.. =)
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