Of all things to say to his darling daughter, he made the most unexpected comment...
Dad: Girl, you created a new blog ah?
Me: Ya lor.. so long only you realised...
Dad: *chuckles*
Me: That's why i wondered how come it took you so long to know about Susan
Boyle.. Must be you didn't read my blog...
Dad: *chuckles*... ahh... your blog ah, should include the transformation of a very important person you know...
Me: You mean you ah? hahahaha... Yea hor... That would be really funny...
Dad: Hehehe... when i was young i very leng cai k...
Me: Yea, and it took you only a while to become fat...*laughing mercilessly*
Dad: ahuh.. you laugh la... in 30 years time... we will see...*chuckling away*
Me: Dowannnnn........ Anyway, you want me to write an entry about you or not?
Dad: Eh... Mai la... Paiseh la...
Me: Aiyo... You asked for it just now ma... I can just put your photos from your wedding till now... Wahhh.... 'peh kim hock's metamorphosis'!
Dad: Dowan dowan... *laughs* Okay la... want to go liao... Say good morning to your mom...
and mom took over the phone... we greeted each other and after mummy said 'love you' and 'take care', we ended the phone conversation, and I was gleeing in delight...
p.s.: I only speak Manglish with my dad, who is also an English teacher... I guess in a way it's our little way of humouring ourselves since he can't really speak Manglish in his teaching environment, while I'm trying to correct my English in an English speaking country.
Long story short, I just finished editting my assignment due tomorrow, and am prepared to have some mischief of my own ;)
So... I shall present to you...
There was once a handsome young lad, who claimed that his charms were unstoppable... *clears throat*... He got married to a lovely young lady after much pursuit...
p.s.: I only speak Manglish with my dad, who is also an English teacher... I guess in a way it's our little way of humouring ourselves since he can't really speak Manglish in his teaching environment, while I'm trying to correct my English in an English speaking country.
Long story short, I just finished editting my assignment due tomorrow, and am prepared to have some mischief of my own ;)
So... I shall present to you...
The metamorphosis of Felicia's Daddy!
There was once a handsome young lad, who claimed that his charms were unstoppable... *clears throat*... He got married to a lovely young lady after much pursuit...

Then the young lady got pregnant with their 1st child aka me~ Delighted he was, that he took good care of his wife, entertained her cravings, and ate with her...
After 9 months... The baby came out from her womb... But he had accumulated a lot of 'input'... and no significant 'output'...
After 9 months... The baby came out from her womb... But he had accumulated a lot of 'input'... and no significant 'output'...
The process continued for years... after 3 kids... my dad still looks like he's pregnant... *i'm so gonna get it big from him... lol*

although daddy kept growing 'horizontally'... he is still pretty much fit and active... especially when it comes to training his Civil Defense Cadets...

He led his team to many wins and recognition... He could easily put many young hot blood into shame...
I know he's not gonna let me go off easily... But I want him to know that I love him dearly, and I am always proud of him ;)
I've got a cuddly dad! Beat that!
You're daddy's little girl!
not gonna deny that ;)
u were my 'daddy' too.. remember? Lol...
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